Friday, March 15, 2013

Character and Clothing

For this blog, I would like for you to choose a character from the book and design two outfits for them.  You will be using the website called Polyvore.  You must create an account.

On your collection page, you must have the following:
  • 2 Clothing Outfits
  • 2 Pairs of Shoes
  • 6 Accessories
  • The Name of the Character on Your Page
The outfits must truly represent the character based upon what you have read about them in the book.  
Have fun!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Interior Design

What do you think the various settings in the book may look like?  What do you envision when reading the book?  For this blog, I would like you to consider one setting (such as the party towers, dorms, David's parent's house, etc.) and create an interior design board to represent that environment.  You must support your design with at least one quote from the book that explains or gives information about the setting.  

Directions: Create the design board with at least 20 items, write a short paragraph (at least five sentences) explaining your board, and include a quote from the book to support your design choices.

Please use the following website: 

Mrs. Carn's Example:

When Tally first went to David's parent's house she said that it was, "unlike any other in the Smoke.  It was like a standard crumbly home, filled with impractical objects.  A marble statuette stood in one corner, and rich rugs had been hung on the walls, lending their colors to the light in the room, softening the edges of everything."  In my design board, I tried to add the elements that Tally described.  I included a lot of ornate and interesting items because Maddy and Az seem like very unique and eccentric people.  I would imagine their home to look much like what I pictured above.  I imagine it to be one of those homes where you just keep looking at everything in it with amazement and/or wonder.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Please go to the MOODLE page and download the "30 Days of Poetry" document.  
Pick one of the poem formats to write. 
 Then...  For this blog, I would like you to write a poem as if you were one of the characters in the book.  Be sure to explain who is the character writing the poem and what type of poem you chose.  Then either place the poem onto a picture or include a picture onto your blog.
 (utilize PicMonkey - link is on my website)

Mrs. Carn's Example
Just Because Poetry: Tally