Sunday, July 14, 2013


For the past week, we have been learning how to properly format a professional resume.  Today, I would like for you to pick a character, get creative, and produce a working resume.  The information on the resume must be relevant to the character and his/her attributes within the story.  However, you may be creative and invent some of the information - as long as it is relevant - as some information you will not be able to obtain from the book.

You will create the Resume in your Google Docs/Drive Account and then LINK it to Your Blog.

Here are your requirements:

1.       Objective

a.       To obtain the position of…
2.       Education
a.       Place/Date
b.      3 Skills Learned or Something They Have Gained
3.       Experience
a.       Job Title/Date
b.      3 Duties/Roles
4.       Skills
a.       List Five Skills
5.       References
a.       3 People
b.      Relationship to Them
c.       Telephone Number

 Get Creative and Have Fun!
Mrs. Carn's Example

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