Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Comic Strip

For this blog assignment, you will be recreating a scene from the Uglies into a cartoon.  You will be utilizing "ToonDoo" again (the same software we used for the Edgar Allan Poe cartoons).  After you have created the cartoon you need to save it as a picture.  Upload the picture to your blog and then explain the scene and why it is important to the book in no less than eight sentences!

Mrs. Carn's Example

This scene occurred towards the end of part one of the book.  I find it to be a major turning point in the book.  This scene is where Tally is awaiting becoming a "Pretty" and Shay comes back to visit her one last time.  Shay decides to run away and she asks Tally to go with her.  Tally tells her that she wants to stay and become a "Pretty".  Shay is shocked by this and upset that she didn't tell Tally her plan sooner.  I think this is the turning point because from here on out everything changes about Tally's life.  There is a ripple effect directly after - she doesn't get to become "Pretty," she is interrogated, she is forced to betray her friend, lie, and go on an unbelievably scary journey to seek out the "Smoke."  Everything about Tally's life is now different based upon her friendship with Shay and her decision not to go with Shay.  Shay entering Tally's life had some major effects - both good and bad.  This scene really starts making the story great, in my opinion.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Relate to Another Story

In five sentences relate the Uglies to another book you have read or movie you have watched.  How is it similar in plot, character, theme, etc.  Make sure you give specific details for both the Uglies and your comparison.  Also, include an image.
Mrs. Carn's Example:
I chose the movie "Astro Boy" because of a few reasons.  It is a very futuristic world that is ran on technology - much like the Uglies.  It also has a "dump area" for old robot parts that no one is supposed to live in that is very run down like the "ruins".  There is a group of kids there that revolt against the newer technologically advanced way of life and have runaway to this area to live.  Toby, the main character, is pulled into this world - much like Tally.