Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Special Circumstances

What do you believe a male or female may look like from "Special Circumstance" in Part One of the book?
Find a picture of a man or woman that looks similar as to what you imagined as you read about them.
Paste the picture into blogger and then write a descriptive paragraph about the man or woman.  You MUST use at least one quote from the book that aids in your description of the character.  Describe both their physical features and aspects of their personalities.  Your descriptive paragraph should be NO LESS THAN TEN SENTENCES. Please be very specific and thorough in your description.

Mrs. Carn's Example:

"He was beautiful without a doubt, but it was a terrible beauty."  Special Circumstances are people of great importance within this society. They keep structure within Uglyville and New Pretty Town.  In order to do so, they are extremely stern individuals that do not show much emotion.  Their features look almost chiseled - not overly gorgeous but very neat, with defined lines.  They are almost frightful to look at but in an odd, perfect kind of way.  They scare Tally immensely -as she has never seen anyone look as they do within her culture.  These individuals are also extremely fit, strong, and well groomed.  They definitely give off the feeling of order - both in their appearance and manner.  Special Circumstances are a group of individuals that you definitely don't want to mess with and upset in any way.


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