Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Relate to Another Story

In five sentences relate the Uglies to another book you have read or movie you have watched.  How is it similar in plot, character, theme, etc.  Make sure you give specific details for both the Uglies and your comparison.  Also, include an image.
Mrs. Carn's Example:
I chose the movie "Astro Boy" because of a few reasons.  It is a very futuristic world that is ran on technology - much like the Uglies.  It also has a "dump area" for old robot parts that no one is supposed to live in that is very run down like the "ruins".  There is a group of kids there that revolt against the newer technologically advanced way of life and have runaway to this area to live.  Toby, the main character, is pulled into this world - much like Tally.

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